Blindness of modern science
Undo Uus
25,00 €
524-leheküljeline tavaformaadis ja pehmes köites raamat (inglise keeles), Tartu 1994
Since my student years I have been utterly puzzled how it is possible that in the modern educated world general support has been given to the ideology – to the contemporary scientific world view – which is in direct contradiction with certain fundamental empiric facts. I am convinced that the modern scientific world concept promotes primitive false ideas about the basic essence of people and nature and already substantially hinders the advancement of natural sciences. During several decades I have hoped in vain that this irrational ideology will fall. Now I have lost my patience, and although I am not a professional philosopher I dare to present the public my opinion on the dismal philosophical atmosphere that has been established in the present-day scientific community.
Undo Uus, an astronomer, argues that parts of the modern notion of ‘scientific method’ are flawed, ignoring intuitive truths; he seems to be most interested in the differences between “live” & artificial intelligence, and the existence of the soul. “Humans are intellectually superior to computers basically because their brain activity does not obey the laws of physics” (p. 339)
– Two kinds of reality
– Critique of modern methodology of scientific exploration of reality
– Announcing a new ideology of scientific exploration of reality
– Freedom of will and causal efficacy of qualia as empirical facts that falsify the modern scientific world view
– Empirical facts from which it follows that conscious beings possess immaterial souls
– The souls of living beings are not produced by physical reality
– The arguments for the foundation of the belief in the rightness of modern scientific world concept are questionable
– A new look upon the goals of scientific research after discarding the erroneous modern scientific world view
– The fundamental problems of brain research ignored by modern science
– The most important vitalistic research problems in biology
– The radical revision of ideologies of cognitive research and of artificial intelligence construction
– Live and machine intelligences resort to fundamentally different information-bearing media
– The essential inferiority of machine intelligence to human intelligence in thinking about qualitative matters
– The disparate nature of soul-driven and physically-driven mechanisms of intellectual activity, and the essential differences between live and machine intelligences in structural matters
– Artificial animating brains
– Some important conclusions of general significance that can be made after rejecting the erroneous modern scientific world concept
– The main reasons why the modern scientific world view has succeeded in winning overwhelming support
– It is high time to abandon the manifestly false modern scientific world view
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